
Our Team

Board of Directors

Meet our Board of Directors. These amazing women are the people that keep the organization running.


Genny Small

Genny Small is the Founder and President of Overcomers. She is also a workshop facilitator. She is a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed  in her third trimester of pregnancy,  before the birth of her 8th child in 2014.   She realized through her journey that many women were finding themselves feeling alone or unable to share with others the very real and personal assaults that cancer does to the mind, body, and spirit. Through this journey, this ministry was born.  Genny wrote the curriculum that Overcomers uses in their workshops.  She thanks God for giving her the wisdom to put together this workshop and the many others that are being formed.

Her hearts desire is to serve others where she is planted, to be a help in times of difficult seasons, and to make a difference in the world one life at a time starting with her family of 10 first. Her life motto is, “Rise when you think you can’t, crawl if you can’t walk, and try even if you think you’ll fail. Life is short so make it count.”


Jessica Meyers

Jessica Meyers is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Overcomers. She was diagnosed with stage 2 Invasive breast cancer in December, 2014. Genny and Jessica met at the end of their breast cancer Journeys. They soon discovered that they both have a passion and heart for helping others. “For me I realized the hardest part of my journey was after being cancer free. Cancer can rob you emotionally, mentally and spiritually.” This realization brought Genny and Jessica together to find a way for women to break down those walls that hinder those from healing and to address some of the issues we face, mentally and physically as survivors.

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Alexander Small 

Alexander Small is the technology head of Overcomers. Alexander is Net+ certified, and specializes in website development and online marketing. Alexander has been volunteering with Overcomers for 5 years now. His daily tasks include website management, backend event support, and social media marketing.


Rebecca Osborne

Rebecca Osborne is our Dove Fund Director and Ministry Support Director. Rebecca Osborne started her breast cancer journey in December of 2016 at 45 years old.  She has been blessed to be a participant in the Overcomer’s workshop as well as the first annual Overcomer’s retreat.  She is thankful to Overcomer’s for the relationships that have been formed with other women walking through a similar journey.  Ultimately her desires to bless other survivors caused her to seek out volunteer opportunities with Overcomers. Rebecca has served as a leader in her local church working with young women for decades, and is excited for the opportunity to be a small group leader for the Overcomer’s workshop.  The workshop allowed her to examine some of the hardships and blessings that the breast cancer journey has brought into her life, and to use that ultimately to deepen her relationship with God.  The retreat was an amazing time of refreshing worship and a sweet moment to breathe in life in the midst of the chaos that treatment and recovery can bring.  Rebecca loves to spend time with her husband and three daughters at their ranch filled with animals. 


Melissa Curiel

From the moment I received the news on October 11, 2018 that I was diagnosed with stage III triple negative breast cancer, God was already working in my favor. My family surrounded me as I broke the news and dealt with the magnitude of what this diagnosis would mean to me and my family. As I prepared for the journey ahead of me, God was placing angels in my path to help me along the way. As I began chemotherapy treatments, the oncology nurse he put in my path would become my angel here on earth who would care for me, love me, encourage me and guide me throughout my chemo journey. My physicians and surgeons provided excellent care and treatment as I progressed in my fight and eventually became cancer free. Even though this is what I fought so hard for, I felt tired and broken and scared and didn’t know how to help myself feel happy again. God again placed beautiful angels in my path to help me in this next phase of my journey. I was introduced to the Overcomers organization and attended the fall Breast cancer survivor workshops and the fall Beauty in the Brokenness retreat. What a blessing this was for me as I was surrounded by beautiful, courageous warriors and survivors and women of Christ who showered me with love and compassion. They provided a safe place where I could share my fears and my deepest thoughts where I could laugh and where I could cry. Overcomers has changed my life. Overcomers has taught me how to love the new me, how to live life one day at a time, and to trust in God’s plan. I am so honored and blessed to be serving on the Overcomers leadership team and I look forward to paying it forward by serving others through this wonderful organization.


Kristi Quadrato

Kristi is our Treasurer and MetaSisters Director.



I learned in the fall of 2018 how paralyzing the unknowns and what-ifs of a cancer diagnosis can be. We focused on putting one foot in front of the other until we heard an “all clear” and encouraging path forward from the doctors in late December. Hearing I could safely forego chemo meant the crisis was officially over and was the best Christmas present I could’ve received. Surprisingly, I found myself unable to celebrate, relax or fully re-engage in my everyday life. I was stuck, felt broken and just couldn’t pull myself together. It was during the Overcomer’s nine-week workshop where “heart work, prayer and personal reflection made me realize I was wasn’t broken after all. Instead, I began to see a new woman emerge as the Lord lovingly restored mescars and all – for the purpose of serving other women who have battled, or are currently battling, breast cancer.

I struggled to answer this call for fear of losing friends to this ugly disease. If I didn’t get attached, it would hurt less. But Jesus didn’t shy away from discomfort. He did the complete opposite by giving His life for us on the cross despite our ugly, unloving and self-seeking ways. Why should I remain in my “safe place” when Jesus did anything but? In May, I witnessed the deep love Overcomers had for a dear friend and family during her passing. Amidst unimaginable heartache, the Lord opened my eyes to see the blessing of loving others well through hardships. I have never seen an organization more on mission than Overcomers was on that single day. In response, I joined their leadership team so I could live on mission with them. This pink sisterhood I resisted from the beginning has become family and my cancer has found its purpose. It’s now my honor to serve in and through Overcomers through it all – tears, laughter, grief and celebrations. I fully trust the Lord will provide His strength, peace, comfort and joy through whatever may come, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.


Heather Waggoner

Heather Waggoner is our Committee Chair of Pink Under the Tree and the Co-Committee Chair for the Pink Gala. “I first heard about Overcomers during my time working as a nurse and caring for breast reconstruction patients, but it was not until I attended their Pink Under the Tree event that I really understood their mission. Surrounded by breast cancer survivors, we all spent time wrapping Christmas presents for< patients and their families who needed a little extra love and support during the Holiday season. This organization not only helps patients and their families transition from treatment to survivorship through their amazing workshops, but they also step in to show love and support to those who need it most during their breast cancer journeys. They rally around their pink sisters and become more than just another support group—they become family.
As an oncology nurse navigator, I am honored to work alongside the Overcomers organization to help the many women in our community impacted by breast cancer. Overcomers’ generosity and love can be felt by all those who come in contact with them. From workshops, fundraisers, and support retreats, this group of incredible people makes a great impact on our breast cancer community. As someone who has lost several family members to cancer, I know firsthand how important this support can be!”

Our Team


Meet our Facilitators, These amazing volunteers every week of our workshops lead the small groups of breast cancer survivors. We are very thankful to have them!


Jennifer Nicole Smith

Since being diagnosed with stage 3 ductal carcinoma in June 2017, my journey through breast cancer has been a long, winding road. I have had a double mastectomy surgery, 16 rounds of chemotherapy, and am currently in radiation therapy(30 treatments). Being a part of Overcomers has been nothing short of a true blessing. It’s a challenge to cope with cancer,- mind , body , and spirit. This organization has provided the support and tools I so desperately needed to ease my pain and to move forward in a positive direction with my life. I have been so inspired, I’ve chosen to go into Overcomers leadership to help others through their struggles! I would recommend Overcomers to anyone on their journey through cancer. My life will never be the same.


Nohemi Mendez

……For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.  Luke 12:48 (NKJV)


Oftentimes, we read these words in scripture and literally volunteer ourselves up to the lord begging Him to trust us with whatever He has for us, without ever stopping to ponder what or how this request might actually look like or play out.  In fact, we implore Him to give us an opportunity to prove our faithfulness to Him. So while I’m certainly not saying or suggesting that the “C” comes from God, because it doesn’t; He certainly uses it in a manner that will bring glory to Himself first, and then refinement for us! And so after having been diagnosed and having received major treatments for stage 2 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), I discovered OVERCOMERS. Why would I need such said support?  After all, “I was over major obstacles.”  Soon after, long-term hormone therapy became the treatment regimen that was aimed at lowering the reoccurrence rate.  This is where I learned just how much I would need to connect with others going through similar life altering (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) changes.  I heard about this faith-based organization through a mutual pink sister who possessed the grace to recognize I might benefit from the 9 week course this saving grace offered.  Naturally, I found myself navigating in uncharted waters. 


Nevertheless, my determination to reclaim the beauty for ashes the Lord promises, became my mission. In so doing, He would receive All the glory and I would play a role in someone else’s healing. And while healing is an ongoing process, especially when uninvited challenges arise like clockwork, OVERCOMERS comes alongside us and lifts up our arms when we are too weak to do so ourselves. OVERCOMERS pours out when we are too empty that even attempting to squeeze a single drop out of us is virtually impossible. OVERCOMERS helps to rebuild and reconstruct the broken fragments left over from the devastating effects of cancer. OVERCOMERS builds up the shattered self esteems that survivors work tirelessly to hide. 


And so this organization, OVERCOMERS, is not the cure all, answer to all things cancer.  But what they are is exactly what each of us has need of at the appointed time. They are the  embodiment of the physical hands and feet of Jesus Christ. 


Jan Johnson

Hi, my name is Jan Johnson and I’m a breast cancer conqueror.  I was diagnosed in May (Mothers Day weekend) of 2012 with Hormonal Breast Cancer – it is a day that has changed not only my life but my purpose.  

After a multitude of Doctor appointments, scans, and blood work it was determined it was in the early stages and I could go with a minimal procedure followed up with radiation.  I ended up choosing to go the most invasive which was a radical mastectomy with Diep flap reconstruction on 7-25-2012.  It was the best decision of my life.

With the support of my husband and our daughters and prayerful family and friends,  I am humbled to say I am now 10 years cancer free.  This journey has taken me to so many avenues of connections for individuals with breast cancer – that I know my story has and will encourage so many more women and families in their journey.  One of the most impacting avenues was when I met Genny Small with Overcomers almost 4 years ago. I had no idea there was such an incredible support group out there for women.  I immediately said I wanted to support Overcommers however I could – as I had prayed for something like this when I was going through my early days. 
The support, the love, the encouragement, and the knowledge provided through Overcomers is unique and God-inspired – and that resonates with my all. 
I’m here to love, serve, encourage and support my fellow Breast Cancer CONQUERORS.


Valorie Hulme

I met Genny in 2014 when she was going through her breast cancer journey. I had shared with her my story of hope and healing, as I was a survivor of a malformation in my brain that was expected to take my life. I live on this side of a miracle. I had a strong testimony of what it is to cast out fear and trust fully in the Lord. I knew then that I was called to be an encourager. 
I was diagnosed in November 2017 with Stage 1 Her2 positive breast cancer. I attended the Overcomers workshop following my surgeries and during radiation. The program was a great blessing. It helped me work through my own grief when I didn’t think I had any, while opening my eyes with compassion for my pink sisters. I am so thankful to be able to be part of this community of women who naturally display the hope, promise and joy that we all needed. It is my desire to encourage women as they travel through their journey’s.”

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Janet Chavarria

My name is Janet I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast Cancer in October/2021. It’s been a long journey with spine surgery, radiation, and treatments, but with the grace of God and getting introduced to the Overcomers I was able to overcome! With peace and the Lord in my life I just keep pushing forward!

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Nevetta King

Overcomers Daughters of the King of Kings is the family I never knew I needed. It was ONLY God that led me to them. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer  December 2021. I attended my first retreat with them right before beginning my 30 treatments of radiation and I knew I had found my tribe.  Right after radiation I attended my first workshop and my life changed again, and it was confirmation that this was a match made in Heaven.  I gained clarity of most of the emotions that I had during treatment, my faith increased even more , and the support and family that I now have in my pink sisters,  left me wondering how I get through this season of life without them. I love being a part of this community of survivors and thrivers because the God encounters experienced within are undeniable.  Here in this place I will never forget where God has brought me from and I have an opportunity to serve and walk alongside others as they join our community not knowing what to expect.  We as Overcomers are here for whosoever will say YES. We are here so no one has to fight breast cancer alone and once you join us we are here for as long as you need us to be and will allow us to be.   


Lori McIntyre

Hello, my name is Lori McIntyre, and I am an Overcomer! I am from San Antonio Texas. I recently retired after 30 years in the Navy back in my hometown  of San Antonio.  In 2018, I had lost both my mother and older sister to breast cancer within four months of each other.   I also had some questionable mammograms and as it turned out, my sister and I had the same genetic gene that put us at a higher risk category for Breast Cancer both she and my surgeon encouraged me to have a prophylactic bi- lateral mastectomy. Having already had NH Lymphoma in 2010 with both chemotherapy and  radiation treatments. I decided to have the surgery. I am so glad I did because after the surgery I found out from the pathology report that I had a rare form of Breast Cancer called Paget’s Disease. that normally won’t appear until the later stages of cancer.  but by being proactive my was caught early, requiring no chemotherapy ! In 2019, I found Overcomer’s through the internet and by September I was able to  attend the weekend retreat where iI was able to meet so many lovely ladies, learned so many life lessons, and restore my faith in my Heavenly Father. This past spring I attended my first workshop and have learned so much about both the physical and emotional aspects  breast cancer does to  you but it also explains how it can affect you on a spiritual level as well. I know God has work  left for me here to do, Psalms 138: 8 says ” The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me: ( Lori) “. Having a group of sweet sisters in Overcomer’s is definitely a big blessing that I hope other survivors  can experience.


Christine Lopez-Martinez

Hi, I am Christine Ann Lopez-Martinez, and I am a Breast Cancer Survivor! I was born and
raised in San Antonio, Texas. I am married and I have two children; Julian Alejandro Lopez born
in July of 1995 and Alyna Kaitlyn Howell born in February of 2000; my two angels sent to me
from Our heavenly father above!

At the age of 44 on June 17, 2020 I was diagnosed with stage III Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
I will never forget that day, I was all alone due to Covid. I felt in my heart that I had breast
cancer; but I tried to stay very positive that day. Even though I had such a strong feeling of what
the results would be I was in shocked when I received my diagnosis. I had no idea what to say or
do in that moment. Dr Alfredo Santillan and Dr Suneetha Challagundla of Texas Oncology-San
Antonio Medical center both made me feel so comfortable and that I was in good hands.

I started infusion chemotherapy treatment on August 12, 2020; started with what is known as the
“Red Devil” once every 2 weeks for 4 treatments followed by Taxol once a week for 12 weeks.
On February 26, 2021 I had a bilateral mastectomy along with 9 lymph nodes removed on right
axillary. On March 28, 2021 I then started Xeloda (oral chemo); which would be an 8 month
course of treatment. On May 3, 2021 I needed to pause my Xeloda treatment to start my 36
rounds of radiation treatment. August 15, 2021 I was able to restart my Xeloda treatment and
was done with all of my cancer treatment on October 31, 2021. On May 16, 2022 I underwent an
8 hour DIEP flap surgery. I put all my faith in God and prayed for steady hands and watchful
eyes on all the medical staff that was going to be in the surgery room with me. I had a successful
surgery and been recovering well.

Surviving cancer and life after cancer has been the most emotional journey I have ever been on. I
am so thankful for this breast cancer journey of mine; the “Old” me started to fade away and the
“New” me started relationship with God, I joined a women’s bible study group with women who
are strong in their faith with the lord, and became a part of the Overcomers; Daughters of the
King of Kings a group of wonderful, strong, beautiful, inspiring Overcomers. I attended the 9
week workshop and volunteered to help with some of the Overcomers fundraising functions. I
was so touched hearing other Survivors testimonies knowing that I was not alone in the way that
I was feeling and what I was going through within myself and with my family. I immediately felt
in my heart that God brought me to them for a reason; I was so inspired to forever be a part of
the Overcomers; that maybe my own testimony can help other women coming behind me on this
journey. I took a leap of faith, and I feel so blessed to be part of the Overcomers leadership.

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Rebecca Parsons

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am a breast cancer survivor! I was diagnosed with stage 2 ductal carcinoma in November 2021. My life turned upside down and my future became very uncertain. The next two years were filled with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, surgery, radiation, reconstruction surgery and more. I was blessed to meet Overcomers as I was finishing up my radiation during the fall 2022, 9-week workshop. The workshop gave me hope and encouragement to face life after cancer. I now serve on the Leadership team and can proudly say I found my tribe.  Overcomers family of pink sisters have helped me in more ways than I could imagine and they can help you too! No one is meant to fight this disease alone and once you become an Overcomer, you have found you sisterhood for life!


Noella Rivers

My name is Noella Rivers, and I’ve been married to my husband Gregg for 25 years, with whom we’ve raised seven children and been blessed with two amazing grandchildren. As a retired military family, we’ve engaged in foster care intermittently since 2000, ultimately adopting the five youngest members of our family. Throughout the years, we’ve provided a loving home to over 30 children across the United States, making our lives incredibly busy, to say the least. On March 31, 2023, I received the diagnosis of HR+, Her2- Breast Cancer, a moment that compelled me to place my complete trust in my faith to navigate both the physical and mental challenges ahead. While seeking support groups online, I stumbled upon Overcomers, a community of extraordinary women who inspire resilience. Eager to be part of this uplifting group, I enthusiastically participated in their nine-week workshop and attended my first retreat in the Fall of 2023. When asked to take on a leadership role within the group, I felt a calling from God to guide others on their journey. My life’s purpose revolves around serving God by aiding and uplifting others, and I believe Overcomers is precisely where I’m meant to be. I am honored and blessed to stand alongside these remarkable Pink sisters as we journey together.


Shawna Rosario

My name is Shawna and I’m an Overcomer!! I’m a wife of almost 19yrs, a mother to five, stepmother to two (one angel in heaven) and grandmother to five!  

  I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer in February of 2014. I have had a lot of medical ups and downs in the last ten years but with God there has always been joy in the journey. Like Nehemiah 8:10 says “the joy of the Lord is my strength!”


  I have watched Overcomers from the beginning on FB and through friends and never reached out or got involved. I finally went to the workshop and retreat in Fall of 2023. It was everything I didn’t know I needed. It’s brought up hurts I didn’t know I had and healing that I needed but hadn’t faced. It is a beautiful community of like minded women gathered to love and support you no matter where you are in your journey. I am honored to be a volunteer now and to be part of others journeys to healing. Through God we can do all things and to Him be the glory always!!


Sheri Kasper

I have been involved with Overcomers for many years now.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the spring of 2013 when my son was getting ready to begin his senior year of high school.  I was then and still am a single mom to my one son.  I traveled the road of breast cancer with the help and loving support of family and friends.  I did at times though, long to talk with others who knew just how I felt and could understand where I was.  That is just what I found in 2016 when God led me to pick up an “Overcomers” pamphlet at a doctor’s office.  I attended the workshop and found spiritual support, an outlet for and answers to questions, a patient ear to listen and validate how I was feeling, and most of all a family of sisters who continue to be a constant source of support.  My sisters in Overcomers are indeed my family and have been a constant part of my life and my journey.  They have fed me spiritually and emotionally and have been there for all the ups and downs of the last several years. 
My sisters celebrated with me this year as I reached my 10-year cancer-free anniversary.  I have grown tremendously over the last 10 years and my involvement in Overcomers has contributed to that growth in numerous ways.  My relationship with Jesus has grown, and my confidence in myself and my desire to thrive have all been strengthened through the joyful spirit of the organization.  I was thankful in 2016 that my path crossed with this organization just as I am now and will be in the future.  I could not envision my future without Overcomers as a part of it!

Elva Hinojosa Casso

I was 31 years old when I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (triple-negative). My world stopped. With no family history – besides my stepmother Lisa who also was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago – I felt so lost. I struggled to understand “why” and to find purpose. I leaned on my faith in God more than ever. I was halfway through my treatment when a good friend and fellow triple-negative sister introduced me to Overcomers. After participating in the 9-week workshop, I finally felt the support and comfort I was desperately searching for. One fond memory was the opportunity to participate in the Overcomers’ 2024 Spring Retreat. The retreat not only strengthened my relationship with God, but it also allowed me to further deepen relationships with my fellow pink sisters. After completing 14 rounds of chemotherapy, a single mastectomy with delayed reconstruction, 25 rounds of radiation, 15 rounds of immunotherapy, and 7 cycles of oral chemotherapy, I am delighted to say I am cancer-free. I feel like I am now at a place in my life where God is calling me to share my testimony with others – especially women in my age group. The community I found in Overcomers helped me conquer so many obstacles cancer has brought into my life, and I feel so honored to be able to be a source of support for our new pink sisters.