Overcomers Retreat 2018- Recap
September 18, 2018
From September 14-16, I was in Port Aransas with 23 other breast cancer survivors, fellowshipping and enjoying a getaway. We witnessed so many personal touches from God. The storm was around us but God was there to show us “He remains in control!” Our goal for this retreat was to provide tools and applications for the ladies to revive, refresh and renew. Thank you for your prayers and your generous donations that made this retreat possible.
I wanted to start by thanking the retreat leaders, our board and our leadership team for supporting us this weekend. Thank you to Norma for driving the other van with me to get our ladies to and from the locations safely. 

Norma and I with one of the Retreat Buses
Thank you to Aimee for bringing us a great word and helping us stretch and gain strength in her Pilates session. Thank you to Dez for that beautiful art session on her drawing that she received inspiration from during her tough season and sharing her testimony about the importance of following God. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank you to Diane for sharing her heart with the names of God and being bold in our faith and remembering to love Gods people even the tough ones. Thank you to Minerva for sharing her testimony and the examples of the battles in the Bible and where we saw victory with obedience. Thank you to our Co-Founder and Chef Jessica for sharing her exceptional cooking skills with us and for bringing us the message in the bottle and the Footprints in the sand. Thank you to Aimee, Dez & Jess for going ahead of us to unload all the food and bags to prepare for our arrival. Thank you to Sheri and Dianna and Sheri’s parents for hauling all that bottled water down for us to use. I’m thankful for the opportunity to teach my sessions as I shared the word of God with the ladies, the vision I received from Him to organize this retreat and prepare the booklets and the admin details behind the scenes with my sweet son and marketing director, Alexander. (You can read his testimony here) We were blessed by great teachings from our leaders, amazing food, fellowship and love for one another. We saw breakthroughs, salvation and releasing our control over to God. We also want to thank Harrison’s Landing for providing us a healthy menu choice for our retreat and a space to eat.
If you wish to learn more about our retreats, please visit our Retreat Page. I’m sure we will be posting more recap information as well as more news from Overcomers on our social media pages, Facebook and Instagram. I also recommend that if you want to get more information from Overcomers about our programs and upcoming events, that you subscribe to our newsletter by using the form below or the banner at the top of your screen.

Genny Small
Founder/President of Overcomers