Top 10 Antioxidants of 2019
You may have noticed that in recent years almost every healthy food product that you come across boasts about their “high antioxidant levels”. This post will help you understand why antioxidants help your body in plenty of different ways.
What are Antioxidants?
If we are to know about antioxidants, we must first know what free radicals are. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health,
“Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are naturally formed when you exercise and when your body converts food into energy. Your body can also be exposed to free radicals from a variety of environmental sources, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and sunlight. Free radicals can cause “oxidative stress,” a process that can trigger cell damage. Oxidative stress is thought to play a role in a variety of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.”
Antioxidants are any substances that inhibit free radicals (unstable molecules that damage healthy molecules by stealing their electrons). Free radicals are also thought to contribute to aging and many other degenerative diseases such as cancer, although laboratories have not formed a full result on this. Antioxidants supply free radicals with an electron and stop the chain reaction of the free radical stealing elections from healthy molecules.
Which Antioxidants are the best?
It has been debated over time on which Antioxidant has the most potential as a free radical neutralizer, so below we have compiled the top ten in no particular order.
10. Blueberries
Blueberries are extremely popular berries that serve as an amazing antioxidant. According to The National Center for Biotechnology Information, blueberries are believed to have the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits and vegetables.
(100 g) of blueberries provides just some of the following nutrients:
Calories: 57
Fiber: 2.4 grams
Vitamin C: 16% of the DV
Vitamin B-6: 5% of the DV
Potassium: 2% of the DV
9. Dark Chocolate
Everyone loves chocolate. According to Healthline, Dark chocolate may improve blood pressure and has tons of antioxidants, even more than blueberries. Healthline notes that dark chocolate is best consumed in moderation as dark chocolate also has 600 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 g). (Which is way more than you should eat regularly.)
8. Raspberries
It is said that raspberries are one of natures superfruits. They aid in heart health, digestion, detoxing, keeping eyes healthy, and, of course, as an antioxidant. They also taste exceptional.
Some nutrients in raspberries (100 g):
Potassium 151 mg
Vitamin C 43% of the DV
Magnesium 5% of the DV
Protein 1.2 g 2% of DV
7. Strawberries
Strawberries are of the most popular berries inside the United States. They prevent stroke, heart disease, constipation, blood pressure, diabetes, are a great fruit to eat during pregnancy, and serve as a phenomenal antioxidant; according to Medical News Today.
Nutrients from 1oo g include:
Magnesium 3% of the DV
Fiber 2g 8% of the DV
and are rich in folic acid.
6. Spinach
Spinach is the first vegetable on our list for being a top antioxidant. It helps to lower blood pressure, cancer prevention, bone health, healthy skin/hair and is rich in many vitamins.
Some vitamins it has (100g):
Protein: 2.9 g (per 100 g)
Iron: 2.71 mg (per 100 g)
Potassium: 558 mg (per 100 g)
Calcium: 99 mg (per 100 g)
5. Oranges
Oranges are a great citrus fruit antioxidant and an amazing source of vitamin C. Oranges prevent stroke, help lower blood pressure, heart health, and help lower glucose levels for those with type 1 diabetes(according to Medical News Today).
Nutrients include (100g):
Vitamin C 88% of the DV
Fiber 2.4g 9% of the DV
Potassium 181mg 5% of the DV
Vitamin B-6 5% of the DV
4. Beans
Beans are the most diverse antioxidant. There are lima beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, red beans, green beans, and so many other types. While they all vary in shape, taste, and color, they mostly keep the same nutrients. Beans are a good protein source, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve stomach health, prevent liver diseases, and have many more health benefits. According to Medical News Today, it is important to note that some people are allergic to beans and legumes and some beans are harmful to eat raw (always cook beans for over 10 minutes.)
Nutrients include (Pinto beans, 100g):
Protein 21 g 42% of the DV
Magnesium 44% of the DV
Potassium 1393mg 39% of the DV
Calcium 11% of the DV
3. Blackberries
Blackberrys originated in Europe but are now being grown in America. They are delicious and are full of antioxidants. Scientists are still determining the full benefits of blackberries on one’s health, but they definitely are a good antioxidant. Some are allergic to blackberries, some consult a doctor before consuming.
Nutrients include(100g):
Vitamin C 35% of the DV
Dietary fiber 5 g 20% of the DV
and many other nutrients.
2. Kale
Kale is a type of cabbage that is rich in vitamins and is a great antioxidant. Kale is sometimes used in smoothies and salads. Kale prevents cancer, promotes bone health, and since it contains vitamin C, is a great vegetable to promote healthy skin/hair. Kale should be taken in moderation, as consuming too much potassium can be fatal for those whose kidneys are not functioning fully, according to the Medical News Today.
Nutrients from 100 grams of kale include:
Vitamin C 200% of the DV
Potassium 491 mg 14% of the DV
Magnesium 11% of the DV
Vitamin A 199% of the DV
and so much more.
1. Cranberries
Cranberries are a popular fruit around the holidays and a great antioxidant. They treat urinary tract infections, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and because they are an antioxidant, reduce the risk of cancer.
Nutrients in cranberries include (100g):
Vitamin C 22% of the DV
Dietary fiber 4.6 g 18% of the DV
Vitamin B-6 5% of the DV
and many more nutrients.
There are many different types of antioxidants and they vary enormously.
For additional information on antioxidants visit these links below:
Care/Of: A simple guide to Antioxidants
Medical News Today: Antioxidants and our Health
Tell us about which antioxidant is your favorite, or if we should add any more to our list in the comments.
About Overcomers:
Overcomers is a breast cancer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a sisterhood for breast cancer survivors. Our mission is to be real in sharing our needs, build strong foundational relationships, and walk out our journey in victory serving others in our circle of influence. Together we can rebuild lives one piece at a time. We offer a 9-week faith centered workshop for breast cancer survivors in the spring and fall every year, one-day workshops for the spouses of breast cancer survivors, annual retreats for breast cancer survivors, and adopting breast cancer families during the holidays. These classes focus weekly on different topics and address many of the concerns that face breast cancer survivors following active treatment.

My name is Alexander, and I am the online marketing volunteer at Overcomers. (I’m actually referred to as the “Guy in the Chair”, but marketing volunteer sounded more professional) I am also the son of a breast cancer survivor, Genny Small, who is the Founder/President of Overcomers.
In this blog post, I will share my experience of being the son of a breast cancer survivor.
What was it like when you found out your mom had breast cancer?
My dad actually was the first person to tell me and my seven other siblings my mom had cancer in 2014 when I was ten years old. “Cancer”, I thought, “Why would my mom have cancer?” It was almost like a feeling of “why my mom?” that everybody who sees a loved one or relative that is going through cancer gets. We always think it happens to somebody else, but when it happens to your own family or even close friends, you hope that it’s all just a bad dream and that you will eventually wake up.
Did you do anything special for your Mom during her treatments and surgeries?
Yes! Besides the obvious of helping my older sister with the younger siblings, cleaning, and the occasional breakfast in bed for my mom, two of my brothers, two of my sisters, and I performed a dance at our church to the song by For King and Country Entitled, “It’s Not Over Yet” to encourage her and anyone else facing a storm to never give up. God is in charge regardless of the outcome. Watch the video of our performance below:
Another cool thing that Mom and I did was compare our hair growth. When her hair started to come in, it was getting to be about the same length as mine. See photo below:

When your Mom was declared cancer-free, and there was no more chemotherapy, what did that feel like?
It was like a “Hallelujah!” and “Take that Cancer!” moment at the same time! I was overjoyed that there was no more chemo and that mom was okay.

You said that you do marketing for Overcomers. How did that start and what is Overcomers?
The Overcomers program was born out of the fact that my Mom saw that there were very little support options for Breast Cancer Survivors after they actually finish treatment. Breast Cancer survivors are in “fight mode” once they hear the words, “You have cancer.” There is really no processing of all that happens to them as they go through cancer. Through the Overcomers programs, workshops, retreats and events, we hope to help survivors process all that has happened to them as they process their “new normal”. Through this program. over 75 survivors lives have been encouraged, equipped and empowered.
Overcomers became officially a 501 c3 nonprofit organization in 2017 but had been running workshops for breast cancer survivors since 2016. Overcomers started developing their online presence in August 2017, with social media and their website (which you are currently reading this blog post on). I believe I started working on the website out of the fact that I love clicking buttons. 🙂
One day I saw my Mom trying to set up this website with her best friend on the phone. I pulled up a chair and watched the steps of what my Mom was doing. Our friend helped opened a door I never thought I would enter in supporting web design and creation. I eventually started doing the website myself after watching videos and attending webinars and online classes that covered advance stuff like SEO and coding in HTML.

Finally, do you have any encouragement for another person seeing their mom fight cancer?
Absolutely! Hope is my anchor. The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5, “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed.” The only thing that you, as a son or daughter of a cancer patient, can do is pray for your parents healing, and trust God! It often is the hardest thing to do but is so easy. I would tell them to find someone they can share their feelings with like a Pastor, another adult or trusted friend. It’s normal to be scared and to wonder, what’s going to happen? Your mom is fighting for her life and for those that she loves. I don’t know your personal story or what your family is experiencing but I believe that His plan is always better than ours.
If you want to learn more about the Overcomers: Daughters of the King of King’s program and what we offer, visit our About Page.
My Mom Had Breast Cancer- An Overcomers Testimony

An introduction to the Overcomers Blog
Welcome to Overcomers blog!
We realize that there are so many of you out there that need encouragement and support, the kind of support we wish we had when we were starting our breast cancer treatments. Our mission is to continue to encourage, equip and empower women and their families. By writing this blog, we hope to connect with more of you and be another resource that you will think of when it comes to breast cancer and all that it entails. We will focus on the mind, the body, the spirit and will continue to be a voice for as long as God allows. Above all else, remember breast cancer is not your fault. Your life is priceless and when you face your darkest hour, remember that hope is what we hold onto. Hope Thou in God. We are praying with and for you!