Overcomers #GivingTuesday (How you can help!)
As you may already know, #GivingTuesday, one of the largest charitable events of the year, is almost here. We need your help! Overcomers provides vital support to breast cancer survivors and their families through workshops, retreats, one-day classes, and our new program, Pink Under the Tree. Overcomers needs funds to continue to provide these resources.
Who is Overcomers?
Overcomers is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a sisterhood for breast cancer survivors. Our mission is to be real in sharing our needs, build strong foundational relationships, and walk out our journey in victory serving others in our circle of influence. Together we can rebuild lives one piece at a time.
We offer a 9-week faith centered workshop for breast cancer survivors in the spring and fall every year, one-day workshops for the spouses of breast cancer survivors, annual retreats for breast cancer survivors, and adopting breast cancer families during the holidays. These classes focus weekly on different topics and address many of the concerns that face breast cancer survivors following active treatment.
Our purpose in scheduled workshops is to draw each survivor towards wholeness with God as the center of their healing. As a sisterhood of breast cancer survivors, we are active in our local communities raising awareness for breast cancer initiatives and monetary funds towards our goal of supporting those initiatives. We remain diligent in bringing awareness and support to more women about the different physical, mental, and spiritual needs of breast cancer survivors.
Overcomers believes that every woman that has faced breast cancer should be encouraged to rebuild their lives. Many times they are left with questions of what now, why did this happen to me, how do I move forward? We know that without application there is no real change.
#GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities in countries around the world. Millions of people have come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live.
This year, Paypal and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match every dollar donated for #GivingTuesday up to $7 million dollars.
How can you help?
These are some of the ways you can help us on Giving Tuesday:
- Create a Facebook Fundraiser for Overcomers
- Donate on Our Facebook Fundraiser (Every dollar counts!)
- Share our Facebook Fundraiser. Let your friends know that you support Overcomers.
Watch our video for a quick snapshot of the year:

An introduction to the Overcomers Blog
Welcome to Overcomers blog!
We realize that there are so many of you out there that need encouragement and support, the kind of support we wish we had when we were starting our breast cancer treatments. Our mission is to continue to encourage, equip and empower women and their families. By writing this blog, we hope to connect with more of you and be another resource that you will think of when it comes to breast cancer and all that it entails. We will focus on the mind, the body, the spirit and will continue to be a voice for as long as God allows. Above all else, remember breast cancer is not your fault. Your life is priceless and when you face your darkest hour, remember that hope is what we hold onto. Hope Thou in God. We are praying with and for you!